Q: My child already receives Early Intervention for speech therapy/gets therapy at School. Do they need more therapy at a clinic like Little Peas Speech Therapy?
A: Early Intervention and School services are wonderful and kudos for seeking their services. But the answer is YES. Early Intervention services typically focus on parent education and have reduced frequency of visits in comparison to what clinics like Little Peas Speech Therapy can offer. Another added benefit of your child receiving therapy at Little Peas is that we work all year long whereas Early Intervention and School Districts have many breaks and summer where your child isn't getting therapy.
Q: My child can't say certain sounds, can you help?
A: Yes! We can help your child's articulation and we use evidenced based therapy techniques and methods to help your child achieve their goals so others can understand them. This includes if your child has a lisp or tongue thrust that their orthodontist may have brought to your attention. Many children struggle with sounds like k and g, s, l, th, and r. If you're curious which sounds your child should be saying for their age, check out our blog post here!
Q: Can I be in the room during therapy?
A: Yes. We love when parents are in the room for therapy and encourage you to join in for every session. We strongly believe that family-centered therapy is the most effective and see the best progress in children whose parents take an active role in therapy. We pride ourselves on not only providing direct speech and language therapy to your child but also educating you as parents along the way what we are doing, why, and how you can work on the same things at home to continue progress at home between sessions.
Q: My toddler appears to be delayed in speech and language development, but everyone is saying he/she is a "late talker" and will probably catch up. Should I do something now or wait?
A: We hear this question a lot. We highly recommend acting now and seeking an evaluation from a Speech Language Pathologist. SLPs are trained and have extensive knowledge of language milestones and can identify children who are more at risk of more persistent delays or who are showing signs of more atypical development such as Autism. Check out this quick read article for more details.
Q: Will my insurance cover Speech Therapy?
A: Every insurance company and plan is different. Please consult with your insurance company to determine your coverage. If you need some guidance in knowing what to ask, feel free to call us!
Q: Which insurance companies are you in-network with?
A: Little Peas Speech Therapy is currently an in-network preferred provider with a variety of insurance plans, see Payment & Insurance page for a list of insurance plans. If you have a different insurance company, Little Peas Speech Therapy is considered an Out of Network provider and can provide Superbills which can be submitted for reimbursement from your insurance company.
Q: When should I be concerned about my child's communication development?
A: The American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) is our national certification board and has milestones from Birth to 5 Years and Kindergarten through 5th Grade.
Signs of language problems include:
Birth–3 months: Not smiling or playing with others
4–7 months: Not babbling
7–12 months: Making only a few sounds. Not using gestures, like waving or pointing.
7 months–2 years: Not understanding what others say
12–18 months: Saying only a few words
1½–2 years: Not putting two words together
2 years: Saying fewer than 50 words
2–3 years: Having trouble playing and talking with other children
2½–3 years: Having problems with early reading and writing. For example, your child may not like to draw or look at books.
Signs of a speech sound disorder include:
1–2 years: Not saying p, b, m, h, and w the right way in words most of the time
2–3 years: Not saying k, g, f, t, d, and n the right way in words most of the time. Being hard to understand, even to people who know the child well.